samedi 31 octobre 2009

We Prophesize The Future By The Words We Speak In The Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Did you know that your words are always a self fulfilling prophecy?

Did you know that it's better to say nothing than to say something negative?

Did you know that you have to talk about solutions and not about problems?

Did you know that you are the creator of your circumstances?

So pay attention to your words.

Negative thoughts don’t need to become negative words, says Gillian MacBeth-Louthan.

She goes on adding that :

When we speak we are giving life to what we are saying, planting a seed.

We are going to get exactly what we are speaking.

Words are like seeds – they have creative power.

We are who we are today because of the words we have spoken in the past.

All of our words will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Listen to what you say about yourself.

Negative thoughts don’t need to become negative words.

The moment you speak something outright it takes on a whole new meaning and a whole new energy.

If you don’t like what you’re experiencing start changing your words.

We prophesize the future by the words we speak in the now.

Our words are always a self fulfilling prophecy.

Don’t plant negative seeds – only prophesize the good and the intention of good.

You can cancel out the Universe’s best laid plans by your own negative words and negative musings.

Death and life are the power of your words.

You will have what you say.

Your words are going to give life to exactly what you’re saying.

It’s better to say nothing than to say something negative.

Negative words cancel out God’s plan – you’re cursing your future – you’re cursing your life with your words.

To read the entire article, click on the following link : We Prophesize The Future By The Words We Speak In The Now

jeudi 29 octobre 2009

What Role Does Nibiru Play In Our Ascension? Jelaila Starr

Is Nibiru the 12th planet of our solar system (the famous planet X), or is it a star, or a brown dwarf, or a flagship, or a battle star/planet ? 
What is it exactly ? 
Is it threatening our planet ? 
Is it guided by ET races ? 
Maybe Jelaila Starr has the answer since she states that :

"Nibiru remains our trigger for awakening. 
Once it gets close enough to us, uncloaks and shows itself, it will bring about a universal shift in consciousness.
Mankind will then wake up to the fact that they are not alone in the universe and will begin to search for the reason and purpose behind this great planet/ship. 
It is then that the ancient knowledge suppressed by the religions and governments of earth in order to control the people, will come to light. 
Mankind’s true identity will be made known to them and they will have the opportunity to embrace it on a global scale.
Nibiru’s effects are already being felt. 
Due to its massive size, Nibiru is already affecting our weather, our planetary frequency and our sun. 
Once again, I am not a scientist so I cannot give you this information in those terms. 
I will give you what they show me. 
Nibiru is affecting our sun. 
Because of the pressure being exerted by its mass moving closer to us, it is creating pressure on the sun. 
This pressure is like squeezing a tomato until it begins to rupture. 
These ruptures are the solar flares and emissions from the sun. 
The sun is changing and emitting more light.
Much like going from a 75 watt bulb to a 150 watt bulb.
This changes our DNA and activates the dormant codes within it to begin the transmutation of our bodies from carbon-based to crystalline-based. 
Though uncomfortable, this transmutation is necessary to move into a higher dimension i.e., 5D."

To learn more about this event, click on the following link : Pleiadian Federation Flagship, Nibiru

mardi 6 octobre 2009

The Biology Of Belief (Bruce Lipton) Meets The Tao Of Change (Wayne Dyer)

New discoveries in cell biology, epigenetics and physics demonstrate that we are not victims of our genes but instead have unlimited capacity to live a life overflowing with peace, happiness and love.

Click below and join Dr. Wayne Dyer (on the right) and cell biologist Bruce H. Lipton (on the left) as they discuss how the power of your mind controls your health.

Topics include misconceptions about genetic control, epigenetics, the nature of the placebo and nocebo effects and spontaneous remission.

The Biology of Belief meets the Tao of Change from video on Vimeo.