mercredi 2 avril 2008

Choose To Alan Tutt

'Hear' what Iain Legg said about the last Alan Tutt's ebook :

Within his brilliant new book, Alan presents some VERY interesting concepts - including some that have NEVER been presented before.

Concepts such as:

* why thoughts DO NOT create reality

* how quantum irregularities become real magic

* why you're not ALWAYS responsible for the things that happen to you

* why we sometimes experience things that conflict with our surface beliefs

* why some people use affirmations or visualizations and get the opposite of what they focus upon

* why the connection between reality and the Power of Belief is not always obvious

* the role the Placebo Effect plays in creating the life of your dreams.

Of course, understanding WHY things happens is not nearly as important as knowing HOW to change things as you desire.

Alan presents a POWERFUL system for doing exactly this, and offers some UNIQUE tools.
If you want to learn more, grab your copy now by visiting the link below :

Choose To Believe

Formation aux Outils d'Analyse des Comptes d'une Collectivité Locale

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